JavaScript & TypeScript Basics: Gain a solid foundation in programming with an introduction to JavaScript and TypeScript. Explore key concepts such as decision-making, loops, functions, arrays, classes, objects, inheritance, promises, and async/await.
Web Automation with Playwright: Discover how to leverage Playwright for powerful browser automation. Learn to interact with web elements, manage iframes and pop-ups, handle web forms and cookies, and debug using the Trace Viewer. Get introduced to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), and integrate Playwright tests into CI/CD pipelines.
AI-Enhanced Testing: Harness the power of AI tools to boost your programming productivity. Learn prompt engineering techniques for creating tests, parameterization, data-driven testing, and generating insightful test reports.
Project Implementation: Engage in hands-on practice with real-world projects, utilizing a BDD Web Automation Framework to solidify your learning and application of concepts.